Parametrics before Parametrics (PART 3/3) – Anthony Vidler

29th November 2012
PhD Open Seminar

Anthony Vidler

Re-writing the History of the Recent Present: The New Brutalism to the New Parametricism

Dozens of contemporary historians and PhD students have re-researched the interpretations of the post-World War II years – from Pevsner, to Banham, to Jencks, to Frampton – and they have explicitly or implicitly revised these earlier interpretations. How do we write a new history of the recent present?”

This series of three open lunchtime lectures is delivered by Anthony Vidler and hosted by the AA PhD Programme.

Seminar Three: Parametrics before Parametrics

At 3pm a seminar for PhD students only will follow
Cities of Tomorrow: Technological Form from Xenakis to Schöffer
Readings: Anthony Vidler, “Cities of Tomorrow: Technology, Ecology and Architecture,” Artforum (September 2012)


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