Elas Torres – Recent Works

Lecture date: 2002-03-04

Of the architects currently practicing in Barcelona, few have added as much to the contemporary face of that city as Elas Torres and his partner Jos Antonio Martnez Lapea.

Born on Ibiza – and retaining a strong connection with the island – his projects have ranged from apartments to galleries, sports facilities to churches, housing projects to parks, and have won international acclaim. The practice has also found an interesting balance between new projects and conservation work, and over the past thirty years has been involved in a number of important historical projects in Catalunya and on Ibiza. Other projects, such as the recently completed escalators at La Granja, in Toledo, bring these two concerns together to provide a highly novel and innovative solution to problems of access at a popular historical monument. Torres has lectured extensively and has held several visiting professorships in Europe and the USA. In addition he has written a number of books on his architecture and architectural history.


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