Owen Hatherley – Pulp’s ‘Uncommon’ People

Lecture date: 2011-11-10

‘In Uncommon’ (Zero Books 2011), author and fan Owen Hatherley argues that the Sheffield pop group Pulp, ‘should be taken very seriously indeed.’

Here, in conversation with Shumon Basar and with the aid of some of Pulp’s finest songs, Hatherley will explore the torrid and tender relationships between sex, class and the city of Sheffield in the 90s.

Owen Hatherley blogs on architecture, urbanism, politics, design, music and critical theory at Sit Down Man, You’re a Bloody Tragedy (nastybrutalistandshort.blogspot.com). He is a regular contributor to The Guardian, Icon and Frieze, and is the author of two highly acclaimed books, Militant Modernism (Zero Books) and A Guide to the New Ruins of Great Britain (Verso).


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