The Architectural Association in the Postwar Years – Patrick Zamarian

The event marks the official launch of Patrick Zamarian’s The Architectural Association in the Postwar Years. The book offers the first archive-based study of the AA School, from its inception to the recent past and with a particular emphasis on the two decades following the end of the Second World War. Patrick’s talk will focus on student work and highlight some of the major themes which preoccupied AA students in the postwar period.

Patrick Zamarian is a lecturer in architectural design and humanities at the University of Liverpool. He qualified as an architect from ETH Zurich before completing his doctorate at Liverpool, where his research centres on the history of architectural education in the United Kingdom.

The AA Bookshop will sell The Architectural Association in the Postwar Years at at a special price of £36, 20% off the usual retail price of £45.

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