Berlin, A Green Archipelago – Sebastien Marot

17th February 2014
Evening Lecture

In 1977 Oswald Matthias Ungers (OMU) and Rem Koolhaas (OMA) collaborated on the project/manifesto ‘The City in the City: Berlin, A Green Archipelago’, which is considered to be the hybrid and ultimate fruit of their interaction. Following the recent critical re-edition he has produced of that text (together with Florian Hertweck at Lars Müller Publishers, 2013), Sébastien Marot will sort through the ingredients the two architects and their collaborators (Hans Kollhoff, Arthur Ovaska and Peter Riemann) invested in this collective endeavour.

Sébastien Marot, a philosopher by training, has taught at many schools of architecture and landscape design in Europe and North America, and currently teaches environmental history at the École d’Architecture de la Ville et des Territoires in Marne La Vallée, Paris. Chief editor of Le Visiteur from 1995 to 2003, he has launched Marnes: documents d’architecture.

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