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‘Fail forward, fail fast’ they say in the tech industry …

… that’s all well and good, but….making those mistakes can come with some pretty rough times!

Mistakes and failure are the favored diet of the start-up and CEO.

The iterative process of testing a business hypotheses in the market and artfully responding to the feedback to refine an irresistible offer and product sounds simple in theory; but in practice the emotional weight, the relationships, the broken dreams, frustrations and feeling of being stuck can be a very real and disheartening part of running an architecture practice.

As architects, we’re equipped to deal with complexity, iteration, refinement and numerous outside forces and constraints that influence building design.

But when it comes to designing the practice, it’s rare the same rigor is applied.

Fortunately, designing the practice is easier than you may have imagined.

This Friday, October 4 at 6pm BST, 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern, Rion Willard from Business of Architecture is presenting a live training on:

“10 of My Business Calamites and the Alchemy of Applying Iterative Design to an Architecture Business”

In this training, you’ll discover 10 of Rion’s ‘favourite’ personal mistakes and failures experienced and made whilst running a business.

Some are comedic, some are shocking …. some you may even recognize…all have valuable lessons.

A wise martial arts master once addressed a class I was in, ‘You fighters only learn when you get smacked in mouth….I will tell you from day one to keep your hands up and protect your face, but it’s not until you’ve dropped your guard and really get smacked that you’ll learn why I’m telling you to do it…’

Business can be the same.

The market, our clients and our work is the best training partner and it’ll give us smack every once in a while to let us know where to tighten up, when to attack and when to defend.

In business, a knock might look like:

insufficient cash flow
staff leaving
too many staff and not enough work
too much work / not enough staff
chasing unpaid invoices
someone under-cutting you in price and pinching a job
a recession
late nights missing a family activity
being under-resourced
falling out with a client
a project put on hold because an investment went sour

In this webinar, you WON’T learn:

– how to attract to loads of clients with ease and grace
– a secret business hack that will ease your cash flow
– a magic marketing formula that will have dream clients knocking at your door

You will however learn from some of Rion’s favorite business mistakes and calamities … and I know no one is making the same mistakes, but just in case you might be (or know someone that might be) – you’ll learn how to identify them and enjoy an alchemic process of turning potential business trauma into valuable business experience that will pay dividends…plus Rion will share some of the innovative ways the great architects he’s interviewed avoid and navigate these pitfalls.

Put this on your calendar and don’t be late, you won’t want to miss this!


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