100 Day Studio: Studio 2.2: The Course of Empire: The Compound House

Day 74 of the 100 Day Studio: “As the classroom becomes more diverse, teachers are faced with the way the politics of domination are often reproduced in the educational setting…” – bell hooks, Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom

We believe that it is important to explore non-Eurocentric narratives in the study of architecture, encouraging true collaboration between the global north and the global south, one without conditions or caveats. Studio 2.2 is a research studio at Kingston School of Architecture taught by Michael Badu and Nana Biamah-Ofosu in collaboration with Mary Johnson and Bushra Mohamed. This year, the studio has focussed on the ‘Compound House’ and studied how this historic housing typology could be used to generate more thoughtful responses to urban growth and continuity in African and Western cities. We believe that the future of cosmopolitan settlement depends on both understanding the differences and unearthing the commonalities that exist between the different ways in which different people make and inhabit place. Selected students will present their projects situated in Accra, Ghana and London, UK.

The 100 Day Studio is a new series of online lectures, interviews, building tours and panel discussions, organised by The Architecture Foundation. For 100 weekdays from Monday April 6th 2020 to Thursday August 27th 2020, the 100 Day Studio will host many of best architects and architectural thinkers in the world, broadcast live and uploaded here on this channel. The curriculum for the week ahead will be announced each Friday at architecturefoundation.org.uk/news/100-day-studio

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