185: Essential Tech to Run a Practice in 2023 with Gordon Evans

This week I am speaking with Gordon Evans, the Director and Founder of Yoop Architects and the Founder of Yoop Knows.

Gordon has been running his own practice for over 13 years. They specialize in planning, design and delivery information, primarily for residential home owners.

Yoop Knows, an architect’s dashboard, is a cloud-based software solution for small to medium sized architectural practices. This helps architects run and manage their projects efficiently and effectively. This project management tool is not only for architects but architecture designers, technologists, etc., to help you keep all the information you need in one place, not only for you, but for your clients.

In this episode, Gordon discusses a powerful digital stack outlining crucial pieces of software that every SME architecture practice should have to operate optimally. We discuss automations in proposal writing, software for internal communications, BIM, cloud accounting, CRM, and more.

Gordon gives us a full 360 of what is needed in your business.

To learn more about Gordon, visit his:
Website: www.yoopknows.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gordonevans/?originalSubdomain=uk />Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yooparchitects/

Participate in the largest-ever survey on what small architecture practices are charging? Visit: https://www.businessofarchitecture.com/feesurvey

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Carpe Diem!

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