2023 AA Writing Prize Afternoon session

This is the annual AA Writing Prize competition afternoon session, the writers are:

Chair: Ingrid Schroder
Jurors: Mark Crinson, Mark Campbell, Nerma Cridge, Eleni Axioti, Silvana Taher

4:02 Diploma Shortlist:
• Cheryl [Wan Xuan] Cheah, From Through the Palm Fronds –
• Aiden Domican, A State of Permanence
• Reishin Kunishima Watabe, The Architect: White Collar, White Color. Class, Race, Gender and the Architect as a member of the Professional Managerial Class

• Jay Potts, Hospital Hostel Hospice Revisited
• Sheer Gritzerstein, In face of Facelessness
• Sharvaree Shirode, An Archive of Table

1:33:34 Thesis Shortlist:
• Judi Diab, The Standing Reserve.
• Gaetano Drago, I-SLANDS Like Nowhere Else
• Oluwademilade Oyeyinka, Holy Ground: A speculative investigation into the spatial methodologies of the ‘Aladura’

• Giulia Rosa, Going beyond the layers of the façade: After performance, towards care
• Sonia Syed, write over write over write: Aby Warburg, Historic England and Building Conversation: (A)Historical Mo(nu)ments
• He Wang, Utility as the Power of Knowledge: From Neolithic China to Taobao Village
• Ron Fu–Yeh, Consider the Lilies on the Field

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