AA XX 100: Women in Architecture – Part 1

Lecture date: 2015-11-07

Forty years ago in August 1975 Monica Pidgeon, the editor of Architectural Design, was ‘egged on by young women libber’s at the AA’ to produce a special issue on Women in Architecture. AA XX 100 will be marking its 40th anniversary with a day long seminar celebrating women’s creativity and ingenuity.

Celebrated sculptor, Helaine Blumenfeld; landscape architect, Mary Bowman; environmental amazon, Judit Kimpian and other leading practitioners will be presenting alongside those involved with the 1975 issue including Kate Macintosh and Santa Raymond. Peter Murray will be talking about Monica Pidgeon and Helen Castle, editor of AD will be scouting for material for AD’s next issue on Women in Architecture planned for March 2017.

Helaine Blumenfeld worked with Russian Cubist sculptor Ossip Zadkine and exhibited alongside Henry Moore at a seminal exhibition in New York in 1985. Her work is a play with space form and light that is in constant visual dialogue with the built environment.

Kate Mackintosh and Santa Raymond have both had distinguished careers and were featured in the August 1975 issue of AD.

Judit Kimpian was responsible for setting up Carbon Buzz and is director of Sustainable Architecture and Research at AHR.

Mary Bowman studied at the AA and was one of the first female associates at Foster+Partners. She is a founding partner of Gustafson Porter LLP and her particular interest is the integration of landscape and architecture.


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