About Urban Fabrication Laboratories – Paolo Cascone

What’s Next?
23 October 2017

The lecture will tell the story of COdesignLab, from its theoretical background to its experimental practice, oscillating between COllaborative design, COmputational thinking and self-COnstruction. After a decade of engagement in both professional and academic practices around the world, Paolo Cascone started to investigate how to redefine the role of urban designers and independent researchers in order to bridge technological and social innovation. These investigations have generated a series of urban fabrication laboratories between Africa and his hometown of Naples in Italy.

Born in Italy (1976), Paolo Cascone grew up between the West Indies and East Africa, before starting his research into urban ecologies, digital fabrication and self-construction during his Masters degree at the Architectural Association. He then continued to develop this through a PhD in environmental engineering in Rome. Paolo founded COdesignLab in Paris in 2007. He lectures widely and is now the Scientific Director of the African Fabbers School.


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