Anne Carson: Performing Antigonick

Canadian Anne Carson has been heralded as one of the most important contemporary poets writing in English. In this video she performs ‘Antigonick’, which is her version of Sophocles’ ancient Greek tragedy, Antigone. Carson performs with eight Scandinavian colleagues and fans.

Anne Carson (b. 1950) is regarded as one of the most important writers in English. The American literary critic Harold Bloom has praised Carson for her innovative work. Besides being a poet and a writer, Carson is an essayist, translator and professor of Classics, with a background in classical language.

Carson has translated ancient works for example by Sappho, Euripides and Catullus.

‘Antigonick’ is Anne Carson’s translation and rewriting of Sopocles’ Antigone.


Antigone: Mara Lee, (SE)
Ismene, sister of Antigone: Mette Moestrup (DK)
Kreon, King of Thebes: Nielsen (DK)
Haimon, son of Kreon and Eurydike: Martin Larsen (DK)
Eurydike, wife of Kreon, mother of Haimon: Pia Juul (DK)
Teiresias, blind prophet of Thebes led by a boy]: Pejk Malinovski (DK)
Boy: Peter Højrup (DK)
Guard: Peter Højrup
Messengr: Amalie Smith (DK)
Chorus of old Theban men: Anne Carson (CAN)
Nick, a mute part: Robert Currie (CAN)
Presenter: David Vann (US)

Set: Palace of Kreon at Thebes.

Recorded at the Louisiana Literature festival 25 August 2012.

Edited by Honey Biba Beckerlee.

Produced by Christian Lund.

Copyright: Louisiana Channel, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2013

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Louisiana Channel is a non-profit video channel for the Internet launched by the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in November 2012. Each week Louisiana Channel will publish videos about and with artists in visual art, literature, architecture, design etc.

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Supported by Nordea-fonden.


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