Before You Ask How, Ask What. Before You Ask What, Ask Why. – Mike Cook

Our traditional ways of ensuring our survival seem to be at breaking point. What do we need from our architects and engineers? How should they prepare themselves to be relevant and valuable? How should they make sense of the world and the complexity of all its many needs? How can they translate this into ways of living that are safe and just for people and the planet? We need new tools, new roles, new perspectives to make the changes that are needed. While he may not have all the answers, he would like to pose some questions.

Mike Cook (MA, PhD, CEng, FREng, Hon EngD, FIStructE) is a distinguished structural engineer. He was elected Chairman of Buro Happold from 2011 to 2017 and in 2020 he was honoured with the IStructE Gold Medal for his innovative engineering and contribution to the profession. He is a Fellow and past Vice-President of the Institution of Structural Engineers, and a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. He is also a Professor of Engineering at Imperial College, London where he teaches Creative Design. In 2019 Mike led the profession in establishing Declarations of Climate Emergency across Structural, Civil and Building Services Engineering and continues to campaign for urgent action across the construction industry to mitigate ongoing climate and bio-diversity degradation.


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