Carlos Jiménez – What Can Architecture Do?

Lecture date: 2013-10-21

This question acquires critical urgency when working in a challenging framework such as Houston, the fourth largest city in the US, and its most deliberately unrestrained, market-driven metropolis. The lecture intersperses personal reflections with a selection of built works gathered over thirty years of working in this seemingly indomitable and boundless territory.

Carlos Jiménez is an architect, educator and author. After graduating from the University of Houston College of Architecture, he established Carlos Jiménez Studio in 1983. As a tenured Professor at Rice University School of Architecture, Jiménez is a frequent lecturer and critic, and from 2001–2011, he was a jury member of the Pritzker Architecture Prize. His numerous built works include the Central Administration and Junior School for the Museum of Fine Arts Houston and the Tyler School of Art at Temple University.

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