Exposing the Barriers in Architecture Education from a FAME Perspective

This symposium explores the barriers in architecture education (in the UK), faced by ethnic minority females and how they have navigated to become successful built environment professionals.

FAME collective celebrates the successes of the ethnic minority women in architecture and exposes the barriers they face through narratives of their lived experiences. This participatory research symposium focuses on the ‘pathways to success’ and the challenges they have overcome in architecture education. Through this lens, we will review the systemic inequality and expose the barriers for a FAME while studying architecture in the UK.

FAME’s research aims to shine a light on the challenges and inequalities in architecture education through lived-experiences of the barriers in architecture education. We hope to inspire professionals and educators of the architecture to bring positive change for future generation of FAME to help create an inclusive architecture profession and to address the under-representation of FAME in architecture.

This event is part of a series of events which will be documented and shared with those in power to change and address the inequality that exists in architecture. Our symposium will comprise a key-note speaker, panellists and participants addressing the subject.

The first half of the event will consist of the keynote speaker’s presentation and the panel speakers’ introductions, which will facilitate the discussions. For the second half of the event, we will host small Breakout rooms for audience participation and discussions, facilitating the audience to discuss their barriers in architecture education and directly address the panel members. Audience participation is encouraged to share diverse experiences and perspectives, which can be anonymous if preferred.

For more information about FAME collective and it’s research please visit: https://famecollective.wixsite.com/famecollective/research


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