Friedrich Ludewig – Building without planning

Lecture date: 2016-01-18

M.Arch Jury Week Keynote Lectures (Housing & Urbanism)

Cities face profound urban regeneration challenges, often without a tradition of successful municipal urban planning. This leaves the domain of planning at the mercy of commercial developers who may or my not have the cities best interest at heart. The lecture will focus on three large projects, in Melbourne, Leeds and Leipzig, each straddling the boundary between private profit and public good.

Friedrich Ludewig is the Founding Director of ACME. He studied at the Technical University and Academy of Fine Arts in Berlin and obtained his Diploma with Honours (Arch) from the Architectural Association in 2001. Until 2007 he worked as Associate Director at Foreign Office Architects. Since 2007, ACME has worked on 155 projects in 21 countries and currently has 75 architects based in London, Berlin and Sydney.


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