Henrik Saxgren Interview: My Last Picture

In a new series of videos, we will ask a number of artists to reflect upon their last or final work. Even though the question is theoretical and the endeavor might lie many years ahead of their current practice, confronting the idea of doing one last work makes the artists reflect upon their practice and what is and has been important for them – both personally and professionally.

Starting out the Danish photographer Henrik Saxgren takes us to the far north of Greenland.

Born in Randers in 1959, Saxgren has travelled and worked extensively all over the world and is today regarded as one of Scandinavia’s leading and most recognized photographers. His works are represented in the collections of ARoS Kunstmuseum (Aarhus), Randers Kunstmuseum, Tønder Kunstmuseum, Ribe Kunstmuseum, Johannes Larsen Museet (Kerteminde), Det Nationale Fotomuseum (Copenhagen), Skagen Museum, Hasselblad Center, Göteborg Kunstmuseum, Museet for Fotokunst (Odense), Det Nationalhistoriske Museum på Frederiksborg Slot, Noorderlight Photography Gallery, Ny Carlsbergfondet and Statens Kunstfond. Saxgren has received numerous prizes such as Deutscher Fotobuchpreis in 2018 for his book Ultima Thule published by Hatje Cantz.

Henrik Saxgren was interviewed by Marc-Christoph Wagner during a field trip to the west coast of Jutland, Denmark, in March 2021.

Camera: Simon Weyhe

Edited by Simon Wehye

Produced by Marc-Christoph Wagner

Copyright: Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2021

Supported by Den A.P. Møllerske Støttefond.

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