Imagining Otherwise with Huda Tayob

In this event Huda Tayob will share research on migrant, minor and subaltern architectures and postcolonial and decolonial theory. She will talk about co-curating an archive of African histories and places through the Archive of Forgetfulness – a pan-African digital exhibition and podcast series which ran from September 2020 and December 2021. The project is a space for interrogating the archival gesture, from the bodily and spoken, to the written and performed. As a collection of work centered on the African continent, the various contributors interrogate archival gestures, raise questions on personal and political histories that emerge through borders, and resurface forgotten conversations. In these works, archival labour and memory-work are understood simultaneously as deeply political, personal and speculative. Huda Tayob is a South African architectural historian. She is currently a lecturer at the University of Manchester, and has previously taught at the University of Cape Town, the University of Johannesburg and the Bartlett School of Architecture. Her research focuses on minor, migrant and subaltern architectures, centred on the African continent. She is co-curator of the open access curriculum, and co-curator of the digital exhibition,


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