NORTH – Roundtable Discussion – Part 2

Lecture date: 2011-11-30

The North presents architecture with an escalating demand to re-conceptualise change and transformation: to what degree of magnitude can architecture operate? Can architecture supplement the grid of rules, criteria, laws that characterise the showcasing of human intervention at the higher latitudes by integrating spatial analysis with image making, geographic knowledge, remote sensing? How to think new processes and processions where knowledge production is intertwined with the forming of inhabited territories? Can architecture rethink its agency?

A roundtable discussion with Philippe Rekacewicz (Le Monde Diplomatique)

Marianne Skjulhaug (Bergen School of Architecture and Oslo School of Architecture and Design)

Yi-Jen Chen, John Palmesino (Territorial Agency) and AA Diploma 4

NORTH is the first in a series of discussions on architecture as the agent of contemporary relations between polity and space.Convened by John Palmesino and Ann-Sofi Rönnskog, Territorial Agency / AA Diploma 4 unit


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