Given the climate and ecological emergency the world is facing, it is paramount to support a socially just re-structuration of the world we inhabit, intrinsically dependant on the health of the earth systems, and trigger, along the way, a radical transformation of the role designers can play in developing design proposals, mitigation strategies, advocacy initiatives and activism. One way to achieve this is by supporting a Green New Deal from those involved in designing landscapes (whether architects, landscape architects, artists, planners or engineers) and creative practices that critically engage with relations between people and the environments in which they interact (from green infrastructures to coastlines to cities). To coordinate these efforts, we need to get behind a project with the capacity to unite all the best intentions, preoccupations and existing proposals from the design community. This project must be a Green New Deal and designers should contribute to shape it. Landscape/environmental designers’ expertise on visualization, mapping and spatial understanding of socio ecological systems are crucial to the project of a Green New Deal and the challenges it will bring ahead. This event will start the conversation with designers and GND supporters and will bring together the leading voices of the GND in the UK.
Fernanda Balata leads NEF’s work on coastal economies, which is aimed at reconciling social and economic prosperity for coastal communities with marine conservation. Fernanda has led the Blue New Deal Initiative since 2014, delivering two major reports and building a growing network to deliver a major action plan for the UK coast. Fernanda is frequently invited by a range of organisations, politicians and community groups to talk and debate about economic development, coastal issues and the environment.
David Powell is Head of Environment & Green Transition at NEF, heading up the thinking, research and campaigning around issues such as healthy seas, climate change and clean energy. His past media appearances include Sky News, Radio 5 Live and ITV News.
AAction is an inquisitive, continuous and collective project formed by a group of AA students to promote education as the primary place to reflect on the urgency of climate and ecological breakdown. Being aware of the importance of the architectural profession in the context of climate change, the group works both within and outside the AA to challenge and address the necessary theoretical and practical challenges.
Lindsay Bremner is a Professor of Architecture in the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster and Director of Architectural Research (2012-2017). I am currently holder of Monsoon Assemblages, European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant no. 679873, investigating the confluence of changing monsoon weather and neoliberal agendas in south Asian cities. She holds a M. Arch and DSc. Arch degrees from the University of the Witwatersrand, and a B.Arch degree from the University of Cape Town.
Jose Alfredo Ramirez is an architect dDirector of Groundlab. He co-directs the Landscape Urbanism Graduate Programme and the Mexico Visiting School at the AA. Jose Alfredo has given workshops and lectured on the topic of Landscape Urbanism and the work of Groundlab worldwide.
Adrienne Buller is Co-Director of Labour for a Green New Deal, and directs policy for the campaign. Labour for a Green New Deal is a grassroots organisation dedicated to driving radical, transformative action on climate in the Labour Party. In September 2019, they secured a radical Green New Deal, including an ambition of economy-wide decarbonisation by 2030, as Labour Party policy.
Julian Siravo is an architect and urban designer. He is part of Common Wealth think tank, leading the design for their Green New Deal City 2030. Julian is also head of urban research at Autonomy, where he focuses on the spatial implications of new welfare and employment policies, on ageing populations and sustainable forms of leisure.
Mathew Lawrence has extensive experience in the design and advocacy of alternative models of ownership. Previously he was a senior research fellow working on IPPR’s Commission on Economic Justice, and has collaborated with NEF and The Democracy Collaborative.