Reyner Banham – Megastructures 1

Lecture date: 1974-10-15


The earliest recording (15.10.74) of the Megastrcutures event, over 2 hours long atARTNET.

Banham presents, Cedric Price, Peter Cook and others question.

‘I’ve been labouring for some years on a book about megastructures. There comes a time when you’re writing a book when you need to wave your ideas about in public and see if they make any kind of sense . . . ‘. Excerpts from Reyner Banham lecture series on Megastructures. In his introductory lecture Banham explores the various definitions of the term ‘megastructure’ and looks at several examples. In the end fragment from Banham’s second ‘Megastructures’ lecture in which he discusses the radical approach of Italian architects in the 1960s to the construction of megastructures. Followed by Q & A.NB: Poor image quality. Volume is significantly louder than in the earlier lecture. Sound and image infrequently cut out.

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