Stephen Shore – Photography and the Limits of Representation

Lecture date: 2010-10-13

The Photographer’s Gallery @ the AA

Stephen Shore will discuss the ways in which a three-dimensional world flowing in time is transformed into a photograph, and how cultural forces are made visible and therefore accessible to photography through architecture.

Stephen Shore was the second living photographer to have a solo show at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York; his work has been widely published and exhibited for the past 35 years in the US and Europe. He has received fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts. His series of exhibitions in the early 1970s at Light Gallery, New York sparked new interest in colour photography and in the use of the view camera for documentary work. Among his publications are The Velvet Years, Andy Warhol’s Factory, 1965–1967 and The Nature of Photographs, which explores how photographs function visually. Since 1982 Shore has been the director of the Photography Program at Bard College in New York, where he is the Susan Weber Professor in the Arts.

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