The Long Present – Organised by Shumon Basar

00:00 – Shumon Basar Introduction
4:44 – Scott Smith / Futures Specialist
22:32 – Interlude #1: CCP@100
26:39 – Skye Arundhati Thomas / Writer Editor
45:29 – Interlude #2: Time ASMR
48:39 – Simon Denny / Artist
1:06:17 – Interlude #3: Mulberry x Alhuwalia (for the full film, please visit: )
1:07:29 – Cream Projects / Digital Arts Studio
1:26:14 – Interlude #4: Fatima Al Qadiri
1:30:50 – Sarah Shin / Publisher, Silver Press & Ignota Books
1:47:24 – Interlude #5: Philip K Dick
1:53:46 – Shumon Basar Conclusion


Time has felt different in recent times. We suddenly began to measure time in statistics and percentages, and now in variant names. Yesterday, today and tomorrow blended into the same endless day. The present has been stretched out: there’s the recent present, the extreme present and the near present. Everything is ten minutes or ten years ago. At the same time, we have been propelled into simultaneous distant futures — with no warning and before we’re ready. Futures of work, travel, health, intimacy, and globalisation all time-travelled into this new Long Present. Do we need new tenses for time?

In these conversations and screenings with leading artists, futurists, writers, curators and technologists, Shumon Basar explores the textures of change that define this current moment. Featuring futures specialist Scott Smith, writer/editor Skye Arundhati Thomas, artist Simon Denny, digital arts studio Cream Projects, publisher Sarah Shin, plus time traversing audio/visual content from Fatima Al Qadiri, Mulberry x Ahluwalia, Philip K Dick and more.


Scott Smith is founder of Changeist, futures specialists based in the Netherlands. He is also a cultural advisor, and author of *How to Future: Leading and Sense-making in an Age of Hyperchange*. Scott consults to a range of NGOs, foundations, and global brands, and lectures at several educational institutions.

Skye Arundhati Thomas is a writer based in Goa, India. She is editor of The White Review.

Simon Denny makes exhibitions that unpack the social and political implications of the technology industry and the rise of social media, startup culture, blockchains and cryptocurrencies. He co-founded the artist mentoring program Berlin Program for Artists and serves as Professor at the Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg.

Cream is a world-building and digital arts studio based in London, with a focus on game engine technologies. They collaborate with artists, designers, research agencies and institutions to build worlds and create original content using computer generated imagery.

Sarah Shin is the founder of New Suns, a curation and storytelling project from feminist perspectives and practices, which began as an literary festival at the Barbican Centre. She is also among the co-founders of Silver Press and co-founder of Ignota Books, an “experiment in the techniques of awakening.”

Shumon Basar is a writer, editor and curator. His most recent book is The Extreme Self, with Douglas Coupland and Hans Ulrich Obrist, which has also taken form as an international exhibition called Age of You. Shumon has been affiliated with the AA since 2000, teaching, curating and contributing to the public programme, notably in the Format series.


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