A New Model for User-Focussed Design – Stephanie Edwards

New Models is a lecture series that invites practitioners from different disciplines to discuss how their work can change the models around which society is organised. These conversations will address how we can shift power structures, socio-economic forces and structural inequalities present in society today to give us new tools to rethink the world around us.​

In this lecture, Stephanie Edwards will talk about the approach that she has developed within Urban Symbiotics, together with her product designer cofounder James Stewart, and an array of projects that have been borne out of a singular process. With Urban Symbiotics, they apply a user-centric, multi-disciplinary approach to urban design, architecture and placemaking, exploring the use of insight to inform and innovate design. This is a design process which ‘comes from the world of product design, where the user is placed front and centre in the design of human environments. The team engages with community members and stakeholders when formulating the brief and seeks their insight in identifying their needs, continuing to engage with them to help develop concepts and validate solutions.

Stephanie Edwards is an architect, urbanist and the cofounder of Urban Symbiotics. Stephanie graduated from the Architectural Association in 2010, and worked at OMA before establishing Urban Symbiotics in 2018. She is currently working on a range of regeneration frameworks, district centre and high street visions, meanwhile spaces, institutions and community buildings.


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