Green New Deal Landscapes Book Launch

Given the ongoing climate and socio-ecological emergencies, it is paramount to support a socially just rethinking of the world we inhabit, which is intrinsically dependent on the health of the earth’s systems. This requires a radical transformation of the role of environmental designers in developing propositions, mitigation strategies and advocacy initiatives.

This issue of AD explores the principles behind the Green New Deal and how they apply to the architectural and landscape professions. Whatever form the Green New Deal will take and is taking, it will be materialised through infrastructure, buildings, landscapes and various other constructed forms. The contributors to this AD examine the theoretical frameworks and design practices within which the protocols of the Green New Deal could be integrated. Initially, such a goal requires a survey of the available design tools and methodologies necessary to achieve a transition to a decarbonised economy in an equitable manner. The articles feature design practices who are transforming their existing modes of operation to work in environments were fossil fuels are kept well below ground, and to explore renewable forms of local, regional and planetary urbanisation.

The launch will include a conversation among some of the contributors of the issue such as Lindsay Bremner (Westminster University), Julian Siravo (Autonomy), Kai Heron (Birkbeck University), Jane Hutton (Waterloo University), Alison Creba (Artscape Wychwood Barns) among others moderated by José Alfredo Ramírez, Guest Editor of the issue.


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